The devastating reality of NICU in lockdown

The impact of COVID on mental health is huge We are all aware of the devastating impact coronavirus and lockdown restrictions are having on mental health. As one of the hardest hit areas of the UK, Manchester has experienced some of the toughest restrictions throughout the pandemic and is clear that this is having a […]

Spoons Trauma Therapy

Lockdown and Trauma We have noticed a massive increase in the amount of parents who are accessing therapy. Not just from parents who have had a recent neonatal experience but also from parents who are a year or two down the line. There have been a huge amount of triggers for our families and this […]

NICU Parents in a Pandemic

What is it like being NICU parents in a pandemic? Very few people expect to experience neonatal care. It isn’t part of the plan when we find out we are expecting a baby. To say having a baby in neonatal care is stressful doesn’t really cut it. So finding yourself with a baby on the […]

Reason Neonatal Conference

REaSoN Neonatal Virtual Conference – Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th June 2020 Spoons are holding a virtual stand at the REaSoN 2020 conference! Given the difficulties arising from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the organisers and Scientific Committee of REaSoN 2020 have decided to deliver the annual REaSoN conference as a Virtual Conference. REaSoN will be […]


COVID-19 and an ex NICU Parent’s Perspective Like many other parents who have experienced neonatal care. I’ve spent the last few weeks thinking a lot about our neonatal journey. There are so many triggers around and some have been harder to cope with than others. My little boy was born at 24 weeks and spent […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 12th March 2020

As the coronavirus (COVID – 19) situation continues to change rapidly. We have taken the decision to close all community groups from today until further notice As an organisation who provides community services we feel we have a responsibility for the well being of our service users and volunteers. We understand that the current situation […]