Having a baby in neonatal care can be costly, and parents may have to take extended unpaid leave to be with their baby, or to look after siblings at home.

The cost of travel and buying meals can soon add up for parents of babies in neonatal care.

Our Family Support Team can help families navigate their finances and are able to offer advice and support in accessing benefits. There are other agencies and organisations who can help financially if you have a baby in hospital and our team can help you access these.

Register with our Family Support Team

Below is a list of things which may take the pressure off financially:

  • Most NHS trusts offer free parking for parents of a baby in neonatal care, ask the staff on your neonatal unit if this is available
  • Most NHS trusts offer help with travel costs to those who are receipt of benefits, ask the staff on the unit is this is available
  • Babies who go home with oxygen or other medical equipment may be eligible for the blue badge scheme
  • Babies who need additional care may be eligible for Disability Living Allowance
  • There are lots of organisation which can help with basics such as a pram or cot, do a search for your local baby basics charity

See some of the links below for further information:

Family Fund

Helping families of sick of disabled children

View link
Disability Living Allowance

Information about eligibility for children

View link
Citizens Advice

Advice on benefits

View link

Charity providing practical help for those who are struggling financially

View link