I am Rhesus Negative but also carried the Anti D antibodies, meaning weekly bloods and doppler scans were needed to make sure my antibodies were not attacking my boy. We managed to get to 28 weeks and my levels became very high, indicating Harrison had become dangerously anaemic. He had his first blood transfusion when I was 29 weeks pregnant still in utero. They said that should hold him for 3 weeks, then they would decide on inducing me early or giving him another transfusion.
On the Monday, my family and I went to Wales for a holiday. By the Wednesday, Harrison had stopped moving so we went to hospital in Wales to get checked. They wanted to deliver him there but my gut said no. I came home the next morning and went straight to Royal Oldham Hospital Maternity Assessment Unit. On Thursday 14 May, my boy was delivered via emergency section, 2 months early. I was mortified, this was at 5pm and by 10pm, I still hadn’t met my boy. The doctor told us to expect the worse and that our boy probably wouldn’t make the night. They had started his blood transfusion and we had to just wait and see. At 9am the next morning I finally got to meet my prince and he was still going strong, trying his best to stay alive. He had been through so much, I just wanted to pick him up, but I couldn’t. He was on the ‘Billi bed’ and there were so many lights. He had tubes coming out of everywhere and a machine to help him breath. He had many problems including a bleed on his brain, a hole in his heart and so much more. After 12 long days, I finally got to hold my boy. It was such a special moment and I was told Harrison was getting stronger but we still had a way to go. We were in NICU for 9 weeks and 5 days.
Harrison was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. We was told from a young age he may not walk but defied the odds and runs everywhere now
He doesn’t let anything stand in his way although it’s hard at times and he gets frustrated, Although he can walk it is difficult for him. He can’t put his right foot flat to the ground or wiggle his toes and he’s not as fast as other children his age
He falls over a lot and that upsets him, but he gets back up and carries on. He still sees many health care professionals who are all amazing and always coming up with new things for us to try. His smile lights up the room and he’s the bravest boy I know.
- Harrison on his walking frame
- Harrison in his school uniform